Ships from and sold by Gift-wrap available. ..." Reference: Your Fers Retirement: How to Prepare for It, How to Enjoy It
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Your Fers Retirement: How to Prepare for It, How to Enjoy It
Your Fers Retirement: How to Prepare for It, How to Enjoy It
"...Order now and we'll deliver when available. We'll e-mail you with an estimated delivery date as soon as we have more information. Your account will only be charged when we ship the item.
Ships from and sold by Gift-wrap available. ..." Reference: Your Fers Retirement: How to Prepare for It, How to Enjoy It
Ships from and sold by Gift-wrap available. ..." Reference: Your Fers Retirement: How to Prepare for It, How to Enjoy It
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Post Office Held Up by Crossbow Robbers
Crossbow Robbers Hold Up Post Office "...Two men have reportedly robbed a British post office using a crossbow, Sky News reports...." Reference:
False alarm over parcel at U.S. Embassy to Vatican
False alarm over parcel at U.S. Embassy to Vatican "...ROME (AP) — Bomb squad teams were dispatched to the U.S. Embassy to the Vatican on Wednesday after it reported a suspicious package — but it was a false alarm, police said. Embassies in Rome have been on high alert for a week after anarchists mailed package bombs to..." Reference:
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Package Bombs Explode At Swiss And Chilean Embassies In Rome
Double Terror As Package Bombs Explode At Swiss And Chilean Embassies In Rome "...Two hours later another letter bomb went off at the Chilean embassy in the Italian capital, again injuring a staff member working in the post room ..." Reference:
Monday, December 20, 2010
Grievance and Arbitration Tracking System (GATS 2.0 ) - A brief history of GATS 2.0
C. Employee Compensation and Career Advancement
(39 U.S.C. 101(c)) "...In the area of Labor Relations Systems, the redesign of the Grievance and Arbitration Tracking System (GATS 2.0) was fully implemented. With all field offices now required to input grievances at the Step 2 level of the process, GATS 2.0 offers aid to management in identifying and analyzing workplace disputes earlier in the grievance process. In addition, GATS 2.0 continues to facilitate changes in the grievance/arbitration scheduling process as agreed to by the major unions, resulting from negotiations. Additional enhancements to the system are under way to further increase management’s use of GATS 2.0 as a labor relations tool...." Reference: 2001 Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations;
(39 U.S.C. 101(c)) "...In the area of Labor Relations Systems, the redesign of the Grievance and Arbitration Tracking System (GATS 2.0) was fully implemented. With all field offices now required to input grievances at the Step 2 level of the process, GATS 2.0 offers aid to management in identifying and analyzing workplace disputes earlier in the grievance process. In addition, GATS 2.0 continues to facilitate changes in the grievance/arbitration scheduling process as agreed to by the major unions, resulting from negotiations. Additional enhancements to the system are under way to further increase management’s use of GATS 2.0 as a labor relations tool...." Reference: 2001 Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations;
Thursday, December 16, 2010
When do the Mail Handler Contract Negotiations Begin?
"...NPMHU begin negotiations next year approximately 90 days prior to the midnight Nov. 20, 2011 contract expiration date..." Reference: Mail Handler Contract Negotiations
Rural carriers reject USPS proposal for wage freeze, benefits cuts
Rural carriers reject USPS proposal for wage freeze, benefits cuts "...The union had countered with what it termed "appropriate and reasonable wage increases, continued cost-of-living adjustments and the maintenance of core benefits," the document said. The union had also advanced "several proposals that would have resulted in substantial savings for the Postal Service," it said...." Reference:
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Only seven (1st class) mailing days left before Christmas
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Alabama Amber Alert for Brittany Mae Smith
Alabama Amber Alert for Brittany Mae Smith "...Easley has ties to Alabama and may be headed here or is here at this time. Easley has purchased a blue tent since the alleged abduction so he and Brittany Mae Smith may be camping around or in wooded areas. ..." Reference:
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
NPMHU 1.2% contractual wage increase to be reflected in Friday, Dec. 10 pay
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Postal Mail Carrier Shot in Miami
$25K Reward Offered In Mail Carrier's Murder "...Mail carrier Bruce Parton was shot to death in the parking lot of a north Miami-Dade apartment complex. ..." Reference:
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Postal Employee Hazards - Spiders in the Mail
Web of deceit unravels as tarantulas found "...Operation Spiderman, began in March when postal workers conducting a routine inspection found 300 live tarantulas tapping against small plastic containers stacked tightly together inside..." Reference:
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Two Madison County Alabama women plead guilty to stealing from post office outlets
Two Madison County women plead guilty to stealing from post office outlets "...U.S. Postal Service contractors in Huntsville pleaded guilty Wednesday to stealing from the postal service, according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney's Office...." Reference:
Postal Contract Station
Can you be fired for posting to Facebook, Blogs, or other sites?
Workers Rights Extend to Facebook
Company Accused of Firing Over Facebook Post "...“Employers should review their Internet and social media policies to determine whether they are susceptible to an allegation that the policy would ‘reasonably tend to chill employees’ ” in the exercise of their rights to discuss wages, working conditions and unionization. ..." Reference:
Company Accused of Firing Over Facebook Post "...“Employers should review their Internet and social media policies to determine whether they are susceptible to an allegation that the policy would ‘reasonably tend to chill employees’ ” in the exercise of their rights to discuss wages, working conditions and unionization. ..." Reference:
Now you can 'Like' us on Facebook!
We thank you for visiting our blog. For your convenience, we have added a Facebook 'like' button. Please 'like' us by clicking our button below (you must be logged in to Facebook):
"Like" is a way to give positive feedback or connect with things you care about on Facebook. You can like content that your friends post or Pages that you want to connect with on Facebook.
"Like" is a way to give positive feedback or connect with things you care about on Facebook. You can like content that your friends post or Pages that you want to connect with on Facebook.
New Pay Scale
WAGES TO INCREASE EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 20, 2010 "...The last general wage increase under the 2006 National Agreement, set at 1.2%, will be implemented effective November 20, 2010, and will be reflected in paychecks issued on December 10, 2010. ..." Reference: National Postal Mail Handlers Union
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Seattle attorney who sent suspicious letter to GOP senator sentenced
Seattle attorney who sent suspicious letter to GOP senator sentenced "...On May 8, a mail handler examining a letter sent to Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., was hit in the face by a blast of white powder emanating from the envelope. Concerned that the powder could be anthrax -- the biological agent that killed five in a string of attacks beginning in 2001 -- the mail handler was decontaminated and the substance analyzed. ..." Reference:
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Mail Handler Inducted into Cambridge Who's Who
Danita L. Bialek Inducted into Cambridge Who's Who
"...Ms. Bialek has served the United States Postal Service as a mail handler; she was attracted to this position by the benefits that it offered her. On a daily basis, she is responsible for processing and scanning mail, printing placard and unloading mail trucks. ..."
"...Ms. Bialek has served the United States Postal Service as a mail handler; she was attracted to this position by the benefits that it offered her. On a daily basis, she is responsible for processing and scanning mail, printing placard and unloading mail trucks. ..."
Post office will sell Iron Bowl logo envelopes
Post office will sell Iron Bowl logo envelopes
"...There will be 500 with Alabama stamps available in Tuscaloosa on Friday and 250 that feature two stamps for people who live in a “house divided,” said Carol Brekle, manager of retail for the postal service’s Alabama division. Five hundred envelopes with an Auburn stamp..."
"...There will be 500 with Alabama stamps available in Tuscaloosa on Friday and 250 that feature two stamps for people who live in a “house divided,” said Carol Brekle, manager of retail for the postal service’s Alabama division. Five hundred envelopes with an Auburn stamp..."
Friday, November 19, 2010
Union dues increase ($.50 per pay period)
DUES INCREASE TO BE IMPLEMENTED WITH NEGOTIATED WAGE INCREASE "...Of this amount, forty cents ($.40) per pay period will be sent to the Local Union, and ten cents ($.10) per pay period will be retained by the National Office in the form of increased per capita tax...." Reference:
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Remember! It's Open Season for Health Benefits
Open Season Simply go to USPS LiteBlue and log in to make changes to your FEHB, Dental and Vision. Reference: National Postal Mail Handlers Union Local 317
Monday, November 15, 2010
USPS Answer: More job cuts?
More USPS red ink to lead to bloodletting "...Chief Financial Officer Joseph Corbett is predicting growth in mail volume next year. He says the Postal Service will have to handle it with fewer people.
The announcement of impending job cuts comes as the Postal Service is in contract negotiations with two of its unions, with two more scheduled to be negotiated next year. ..." Reference:
The announcement of impending job cuts comes as the Postal Service is in contract negotiations with two of its unions, with two more scheduled to be negotiated next year. ..." Reference:
Friday, November 12, 2010
Issa to Push for Postal Service Changes
Rep. Issa (R-CA) to Push for Postal Service Changes "...He has cited the need to downsize the labor force and reduce costs..." Reference:
November 20, 2010 Mail Handler contract salary increase
Mail Handler contract salary increase "...Effective November 20, 2010 – the basic annual salary for each grade and step shall be increased by an amount equal to 1.2% of the basic annual salary for the grade and step in effect on September 2, 2006...." Reference: National Postal Mail Handlers Union
USPS Priority Rates Rise January 2011
USPS to Raise Priority Mail Rates in January "...The U.S. Postal Service said prices for Priority Mail and other Shipping Services would increase overall by 3.6 percent effective January 2, 2011..." Reference: Auction Bytes
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Postal Service studies consolidation of Huntsville facility with Birmingham
Postal Service studies consolidation of Huntsville facility with Birmingham "...The Postal Service is soliciting the public's input as part of the study process. Comments may be submitted to: Consumer Affairs Manager, U.S. Postal Service, P.O. Box 395, Birmingham AL 35203-0395..." Reference: The Postal Newsgroup
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Union Stewards: An example of the 'Douglas Factors' in action
DLA supervisor blames Italy for harassment "...12 factors and said the agency should" weigh and balance them in deciding what an appropriate penalty is. In order to make sure the penalty is appropriate for the misconduct. They include the "nature and seriousness of the offense, lack of prior discipline, performance record, how long you've been on the job, whether other employees have received the same treatment for similar behavior," among other mitigating circumstances. ..." Reference:
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Parcel bomb plotters 'used dry run', say US officials
Parcel bomb plotters 'used dry run', say US officials "...official has told the BBC that suspect packages from Yemen were intercepted in September, in what may have been a dry run for last week's foiled parcel bomb..." Reference:
Friday, October 29, 2010
USPS set to appeal postal rate increase rejection
USPS set to appeal postal rate increase rejection "..."We have a fundamental disagreement with the PRC's interpretation of the law," said Postmaster General John Potter, according to DMNews. "This action is an investment in our future. We need to understand and define the rules under the current law..." Reference:
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Postmaster General Announces Retirement
A LETTER TO ALL EMPLOYEES FROM POSTMASTER GENERAL JACK POTTER "...I have reached a point in my life where it is time to move on to other things. Pat Donahoe, Deputy Postmaster General and Chief Operating Officer, will become our new Postmaster General when I “end tour” Dec. 3...." Reference:
Huntsville Branch Union Meeting
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Deadlines for Holiday Mailing to Deployed Troops
Deadlines for Holiday Mailing to Deployed Troops "...Those who would like to mail holiday packages to friends and loved ones in the military will want to take note of the following dates, which have been recommended by the Military Postal Service Agency. Holiday shopping will have to be done early, with the earliest deadline for Hannukah packages due in less than three weeks...." Reference:
Friday, October 22, 2010
First open season since health reform is around the corner
First open season since health reform is around the corner "...will affect government workers. From Nov. 8 to Dec. 13, FEHBP participants can alter their health, dental, vision and flexible spending account benefits; switch plans; or cancel their enrollment without penalty...." Reference:
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Second Early Out Payment Scheduled for Oct. 29
Second Early Out Payment Scheduled for Oct. 29 "...part of the negotiated Early Out Incentive agreement are entitled to receive an additional $5,000, tentatively scheduled for Oct. 29, 2010..." Reference: The Postal Newsgroup
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Victims identified in Henning Post Office Shooting
Victims of postal shooting identified "...Dunavant, a district attorney in Henning, told United Press International the victims were Judy Spray and Paula Robinson. Dunavant said the employees died in an apparent robbery..." Reference:
Monday, October 18, 2010
Tennessee Post Office Shooting
Two Shot and Killed Inside Henning Post Office "...found the two women’s bodies after entering the post office Monday morning and then made the call to police...." Reference:
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Mail Handler November 2010 Contractual Salary Pay Increase
"...Effective November 20, 2010 – the basic annual salary for each grade and step shall be increased by an amount equal to 1.2% of the basic annual salary for the grade and step in effect on September 2, 2006.
For purposes of applying the November 24, 2007, February 16, 2008, November 22, 2008, November 21, 2009 and November 20, 2010 salary increases, the basic annual salary for Steps AA and P in effect on September 2, 2006, shall be assumed to be as follows: Grade 4, Step AA — $27,830: Grade 4, Step P — $46,296: Grade 5, Step AA — $29,295: Grade 5, Step P — $47,268...." Reference: 2006-2011 Mail Handler National Contract
Note: Italicizing and bold print added for emphasis by this website.
For purposes of applying the November 24, 2007, February 16, 2008, November 22, 2008, November 21, 2009 and November 20, 2010 salary increases, the basic annual salary for Steps AA and P in effect on September 2, 2006, shall be assumed to be as follows: Grade 4, Step AA — $27,830: Grade 4, Step P — $46,296: Grade 5, Step AA — $29,295: Grade 5, Step P — $47,268...." Reference: 2006-2011 Mail Handler National Contract
Note: Italicizing and bold print added for emphasis by this website.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
2010 APWU Contract Negotiations
2010 APWU Contract Negotiations "...Stay informed! It is wise to keep up with the 2010 APWU Contract Negotiations. Although the APWU is a separate contract with many different issues and contract language, we should educate ourselves by keeping an eye on the tone the USPS sets toward the employees. Forewarned is forearmed! ..." Reference:
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
How does your local union rank on the web?
How does your local union rank on the web? As a union member, we often ask, "Are we being provided up-to-date information relating to the postal service and the union?" ...if you are a member of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union with Local 317 of Alabama, you are being served the most up-to-date and relative information available. Under the leadership of our Local President, Jessie Leonard, your local web presence is ranked in the top ten globally on the three most popular search engines. On Google, a search for "National Postal Mail Handlers Union", at this writing, results in a placement of number six out of about 20,800 results. On Yahoo, our Blog comes up number five out of 202,000 results for "National Postal Mail Handlers Union", while over at Bing, the result for National Postal Mail Handlers Union results in a number five placement. Reference:
2011 Open Season for Health Benefits for Federal and Postal Employees
2011 Open Season for Health Benefits for Federal and Postal Employees "...The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has announced that this year’s open season for health benefits, dental and vision insurance, and Flexible Spending Accounts will run from November 8 through December 13, 2010. This open season will give federal employees and retirees the opportunity to change their health-care coverage and employees who are not enrolled, but are eligible to participate, the opportunity to elect coverage. OPM also announced the use of a new claims database that will make it easier to reduce the growth in health care costs...." Reference:
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Eight people indicted in Birmingham on mail theft charges
Eight people indicted in Birmingham on mail theft charges "...In separate indictments filed in U.S. District Court, the grand jury charged five U.S. Postal employees, two employees of postal contract centers, and one man not affiliated with the Postal Service with stealing, delaying or destroying mail...." Reference:
Monday, September 27, 2010
Postal Service executives get extra perks
Postal Service executives get extra perks "...More than 800 U.S. Postal Service executives receive health insurance coverage at no cost, in just one example of the excess and mismanagement that's costing the agency $800 million annually, according to a Republican lawmaker. ..." Reference:
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Washington postal worker struck, killed in Capitol Heights
Washington postal worker struck, killed in Capitol Heights "...Burgess, a mail handler at a nearby post office, allegedly got off the Metro and crossed the street but not at the nearby crosswalk, Ellis said. ..." Reference:
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Huntsville Processing Facility Employee Makes National Media
Warning: Union revolution is next "...Charles Breedlove, 56, of Huntsville, Ala. rallies with American Postal Worker Union members in Detroit..." Reference: Christian Science Monitor
Paper Payroll Savings Bond Program To Be Discontinued; Electronic Payroll Savings Available Through TreasuryDirect
Paper Payroll Savings Bond Program To Be Discontinued "...The United States Department of the Treasury (Treasury) has announced that it will stop issuing paper savings bonds through federal agency, including USPS®, savings plans as of September 30, 2010.
The Treasury currently offers TreasuryDirect, a secured web-based system to invest in savings bonds and other Treasury securities. It allows you a convenient way to purchase, manage, and redeem electronic (paperless) savings bonds along with Treasury marketable securities (bills, notes, bonds, and TIPS) online 24/7.
If you want to purchase Treasury securities through a payroll deduction, you will need to first establish a TreasuryDirect account and ..." Reference:
The Treasury currently offers TreasuryDirect, a secured web-based system to invest in savings bonds and other Treasury securities. It allows you a convenient way to purchase, manage, and redeem electronic (paperless) savings bonds along with Treasury marketable securities (bills, notes, bonds, and TIPS) online 24/7.
If you want to purchase Treasury securities through a payroll deduction, you will need to first establish a TreasuryDirect account and ..." Reference:
USPS Postal Explorer
USPS Postal Explorer "...Use the Postal Explorer to search USPS publications and more...." Reference:
Do you know your contract? Study it and enforce it!
National Postal Mail Handlers Union Contract Learn and enforce your National Contract. Enforcement of the contract protects jobs, wages, and quality service to our customers. This is a time to remain united in protection of what the American working class have fought long and hard for ...this is not the time to roll over and play dead. Our nation and the customers we serve deserve the best we can provide. Reference:
Domestic Mail Manual
Domestic Mail Manual "...Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service..." Reference:
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Compensation, Relocation Benefits, and Reinstatement Policies for Career Employees in Transition: Q’s and A’s
As a nonbargaining employee, if I am reassigned to another position or I am successful in obtaining another position competitively, for what relocation benefits am I eligible?
Compensation, Relocation Benefits, and Reinstatement Policies for Career Employees in Transition "...If your new position meets the 50-mile rule as defined by IRS
regulations (see exhibit 41A), you are eligible for the relocation
benefits applicable to nonbargaining employees. See exhibit 41B
for an overview of relocation benefits. To receive relocation benefits, you must meet the following requirements:..." Reference: Compensation, Relocation Benefits, and Reinstatement Policies for Career Employees in Transition: Q’s and A’s, Publication 164, June 2008.
Compensation, Relocation Benefits, and Reinstatement Policies for Career Employees in Transition "...If your new position meets the 50-mile rule as defined by IRS
regulations (see exhibit 41A), you are eligible for the relocation
benefits applicable to nonbargaining employees. See exhibit 41B
for an overview of relocation benefits. To receive relocation benefits, you must meet the following requirements:..." Reference: Compensation, Relocation Benefits, and Reinstatement Policies for Career Employees in Transition: Q’s and A’s, Publication 164, June 2008.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Who gets reassigned when employees are excess to the needs of a Section? (Within an Installation)
Simply put, "...Full-time employees, excess to the needs of a section, starting with that employee who is junior in the same craft or occupational group and in the same level assigned in that section, shall be reassigned..."
Section 12.6 Basic Principles and Reassignments
When it is proposed to:
C4 Reassignment Within an Installation of Employees Excess
to the Needs of a Section
C4a The identification of assignments comprising for this purpose a section shall be determined locally by local negotiations. If no sections are established by local negotiations, the entire installation shall comprise the
section. * Example: In Huntsville, by Local Negotiation, a Section is considered the Tour
C4b Full-time employees, excess to the needs of a section, starting with that employee who is junior in the same craft or occupational group and in the same level assigned in that section, shall be reassigned outside the section but within the same craft or occupational group. They shall retain their seniority and may bid on any existing vacancies for which they are eligible to bid. If they do not bid, they may be assigned any vacant duty assignment for which there was no senior bidder in the same craft and installation. Their preference is to be considered if more than one such assignment is available.
See Contract for full language> Reference>:,%202006%20-%20Nov.%2020,%202011.pdf
Section 12.6 Basic Principles and Reassignments
When it is proposed to:
to the Needs of a Section
C4a The identification of assignments comprising for this purpose a section shall be determined locally by local negotiations. If no sections are established by local negotiations, the entire installation shall comprise the
section. * Example: In Huntsville, by Local Negotiation, a Section is considered the Tour
C4b Full-time employees, excess to the needs of a section, starting with that employee who is junior in the same craft or occupational group and in the same level assigned in that section, shall be reassigned outside the section but within the same craft or occupational group. They shall retain their seniority and may bid on any existing vacancies for which they are eligible to bid. If they do not bid, they may be assigned any vacant duty assignment for which there was no senior bidder in the same craft and installation. Their preference is to be considered if more than one such assignment is available.
See Contract for full language> Reference>:,%202006%20-%20Nov.%2020,%202011.pdf
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Huntsville Union Meeting - September 9, 2010
The National Postal Mail Handlers Union Local 317, Huntsville Branch will have a union meeting at the China Buffet on Highway 20. The meeting will begin at 11:00 AM. State President Leonard will be in attendance to share valuable information. Lunch is on us! Be informed, be there. Reference:
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
U.S. Postal Service Seeks to Pare Full-Time Workforce in Talks With Union
U.S. Postal Service Seeks to Pare Full-Time Workforce in Talks With Union "...“Once again naysayers warn of the imminent demise of the Postal Service,” Burrus said in an e-mailed statement. “They demand wholesale changes to the foundation we have built over our 40-year history, ignoring the fact that each provision in the expiring contract has a history of give-and-take.” ..." Reference:
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hawaiian Rain Forest Stamp Pane Issued Today
HAWAII’S FLORA AND FAUNA — ON STAMPS "...Featuring a Hawaiian rain forest, the 2010 collectible stamp pane — the 12th and final in the educational Nature of America stamp series — focuses on the beauty and complexity of major plant and animal communities in the nation’s 50th state...." Reference:
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Mail Handler COLA
COLA STILL AT ZERO "...The eighth of ten guaranteed cost-of-living adjustments to be paid to all mail handlers under the 2006 National Agreement has been set, and once again the next COLA will be $0. This is because the changes in the National Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) for the period running from July 2008 through July 2010 are still in negative territory. Mail handlers received the largest COLA in the history of collective bargaining with the Postal Service in September 2008, in the amount of $1,477, but there has been no COLA since that adjustment...." Reference:
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Lost in the mail: Wrong woman signs for $5,000 ring
Lost in the mail: Wrong woman signs for $5,000 ring "...Joseph Breckenridge, media relations representative for the post office in Northern Florida and Alabama, explained that USPS gave Broccoli the benefit of the doubt and sent him a partial payment of $400, because the carrier who delivered the package failed to get the printed name..." Reference:
Detroit police officer critical after being struck by postal service vehicle
Detroit police officer critical after being struck by postal service vehicle "...officer was driving a motorcycle on Cass near Fort about 4:25 p.m. when the postal carrier, who was traveling in the opposite direction, struck her, said Sgt.
From The Detroit News: ...
From The Detroit News: ...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Contract Negotiations
APWU Contract Negotiations
Although the APWU represents different crafts than our own and is a completely separate entity from the Mail Handler union (NPMHU), we should all follow the negotiations closely. Negotiations are set to begin within a couple of days of their national convention, currently taking place as we write this.
Following the negotiations will better arm our union for our own negotiations coming in 2011. Additionally, following the APWU Contract negotiations will permit craft-members of our own union to determine the tone the United States Postal Service will take relating to the working class backbone of this great organization. Will they reward us as they have rewarded themselves (management)? ...or will they make an attack on the American working class? Stay tuned and we will keep you informed.
While digging through the internet, we have found what appears to be a promising site to provide information relating to the upcoming APWU Contract Negotiations: APWU Contract Negotiations
Although the APWU represents different crafts than our own and is a completely separate entity from the Mail Handler union (NPMHU), we should all follow the negotiations closely. Negotiations are set to begin within a couple of days of their national convention, currently taking place as we write this.
Following the negotiations will better arm our union for our own negotiations coming in 2011. Additionally, following the APWU Contract negotiations will permit craft-members of our own union to determine the tone the United States Postal Service will take relating to the working class backbone of this great organization. Will they reward us as they have rewarded themselves (management)? ...or will they make an attack on the American working class? Stay tuned and we will keep you informed.
While digging through the internet, we have found what appears to be a promising site to provide information relating to the upcoming APWU Contract Negotiations: APWU Contract Negotiations
Monday, August 23, 2010
Postal employee admits to massive mail theft
Postal employee admits to massive mail theft "...Court documents indicate Schmauder would give the stolen lingerie to his wife, while reselling the CDs and DVDs to Angelo's Movies, Music and Gifts, which bills itself as the largest independent music store in the Denver area. ..." Reference:
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
National Mail Handlers Union Building Carjacking?
Newark woman carjacked outside Kearny postal facility "...A 49-year-old Newark woman was carjacked and punched in the face upon showing up to work at the National Mail Handlers Union, 1200 Harrison Ave., in Kearny on Monday morning, according to Kearny police...." Reference:
Thursday, August 5, 2010
...Potential Excessing of Mail Handlers
Focus on Network Changes and Potential Excessing of Mail Handlers
The article covers items such as "(e.g., veteran preference versus seniority; retreat rights versus voluntary assignments; part-time employees versus employees from other crafts). Given the immense amount of excessing, withholding, and reassigning that is taking place, many issues are arising for the first time, and the contract language simply is unclear. But the Article 12 Task Force continues to be a useful forum for discussing all of these issues, settling some, and setting up
methods for resolving the others." The article also references "the NPMHU's production and distribution of a comprehensive paper on the "Rights and Benefits of Mail Handlers Upon Reassignment To Other Installations Under Article 12." This paper was circulated to all Local Unions, and was included in a recent issue of Union Time. The paper covers a host of topics, including how to seek annuity or severance benefits, and how to obtain relocation benefits."
Reference: NPMHU
The NPMHU magazine The Mail Handler has an article titled Focus on Network Changes and Potential Excessing of Mail Handlers. This is recommended reading for anyone in the Mail Handler craft considering the current Postal Service climate. The article can be found in a two-part PDF document as follows:
The article covers items such as "(e.g., veteran preference versus seniority; retreat rights versus voluntary assignments; part-time employees versus employees from other crafts). Given the immense amount of excessing, withholding, and reassigning that is taking place, many issues are arising for the first time, and the contract language simply is unclear. But the Article 12 Task Force continues to be a useful forum for discussing all of these issues, settling some, and setting up
methods for resolving the others." The article also references "the NPMHU's production and distribution of a comprehensive paper on the "Rights and Benefits of Mail Handlers Upon Reassignment To Other Installations Under Article 12." This paper was circulated to all Local Unions, and was included in a recent issue of Union Time. The paper covers a host of topics, including how to seek annuity or severance benefits, and how to obtain relocation benefits."
Reference: NPMHU
Monday, July 26, 2010
Cleophus Brown, Birmingham Postal Driver was pitcher for all-Black Birmingham Black Barrons and Louisville Clippers

Negro Leagues stamps also honor postal worker " stamps commemorating Negro Leagues Baseball. Cleophus Brown, 76, of Birmingham, Ala., clocks in every morning at 3:30 a.m. and drives a USPS tractor trailer full of mail from the airport to postal stations, often before sunrise. But long before he joined the ranks of mail truck drivers, Brown was a first baseman..." Reference:
Monday, July 19, 2010
Netflix supports USPS ...a mailer that understands the need
Rate increases outrage mailers"...Netflix expressed support for the rate changes. “We support the US Postal Service's total recommended changes, or restructuring. We are in support of that because we believe in a stronger Postal Service with affordable rates and predictable service is in the country's best interests, certainly in Netflix's best interests, rather than a weakened Postal Service that is facing such huge deficits..." Reference:
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Labor demands USPS reform electrical safety
Labor demands USPS reform electrical safety "...The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) first discovered the problem in USPS's Providence, R.I. facility, but Labor says investigations have uncovered similar electrical hazards nationwide. ..." Reference:
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Stamp Increase
Stamp prices going up again - 46-cent rate asked
This Article is From:
"...Under the proposed increases, in addition to the 46-cent rate for the first ounce, the cost for each additional ounce would go up a penny to 18 cents. The cost to mail a postcard would go up 2 cents to 30 cents...."
This Article is From:
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Who is the oldest postal worker? Chester Reed, Mail Handler
" a mail-handler forklift operator. He worked in the same position until his last day of work Tuesday. "I've never really given it a thought (about retiring earlier), to be honest with you. My old supervisor would ask me, `Chester, when are you going to retire?' and I would tell her, `It's none of your business, you know," he said laughing. ..." Reference:
'My HR' Offers employees self-service options
'My HR' Offers employees self-service options"...helping employees manage their postal careers is with its numerous employee “apps,” including eCareer, eOPF (electronic Official Personnel Folder), and ePayroll. Here’s how to find them. Look for the employee apps carousel at the center of the LiteBlue home page. If you’re not sure what the apps do, move your mouse over each image within the carousel to read a short description. Apps also can be found front and center on the “My HR” landing page...." Reference:
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Postal Voluntary Early Retirement Offer Again?
Postal Voluntary Early Retirement Offer Again? "... this one claims a July 2010 announcement. Additionally, the individual claims that the PMG was at their plant and ..." [Reference:]
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
5-day delivery would be postal death knell (Opinion - Community Voices)
5-day delivery would be postal death knell (Opinion - Community Voices)"... Supposedly going from six to five days would save $40 billion over 10 years. Yet their own projection of our 10-year deficit is $238 billion. Hardly one-sixth of the deficit would be addressed by going to five-day delivery. ..." Reference:
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Documentary that looks at hostile workplaces; Royal Oak
'Murder by Proxy'
"...A Congressional committee determined McIlvane was a powder keg ready to blow because of petty, intimidating, even "reprehensible" managers at the Royal Oak Post Office...."
"Postal Service appears to have a third more workers than it needs..."
USPS and Congress trade barbs
"...Some committee members pressed for a downsizing of the USPS' network and labor force. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), the ranking member of the full committee, said the Postal Service appears to have a third more workers than it needs. ..."
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
U.S. Postal Service offers commemorative in honor of Crimson Tide's national football championship
Alabama National Championship Envelopes
U.S. Postal Service offers commemorative in honor of Crimson Tide's national football championship
"...A portion of each envelope has a section printed on silk and stamped with crimson foil. The University of Alabama postage stamp will be canceled with a special dated April 17 stamp featuring the championship crystal trophy. ..."
Reference: Kent Faulk -- The Birmingham News, April 16, 2010, 6:15AM,
Allegation of a Physical Assault on an Employee In a Southeast Area Carrier Unit (Report Number LM-MA-99-010)
Allegation of a Physical Assault on an Employee In a Southeast Area Carrier Unit (Report Number LM-MA-99-010)
"...We determined that the supervisor physically touched the employee in an inappropriate manner, but we found no evidence that the employee was physically assaulted. However, the employee interpreted this inappropriate touching as an assault and filed an assault charge against the supervisor, who was arrested by the Jackson Police Department. The case, however, was dismissed on January 20,1999..."
What became of the case: "Management agrees with (the conclusion that no physical assault occurred in this Instance and agrees with the suggestion that the supervisor be instructed regarding inappropriate physical contact with employees."
Monday, April 19, 2010
MSPB threatens to withhold SE Area VP’s salary for delaying back pay award
MSPB threatens to withhold SE Area VP’s salary for delaying back pay award
"...The agency has failed to identify the official responsible for compliance. Accordingly, we have determined that Linda J Welch, Acting Vice President, Southeast Area Operations, is the agency official responsible for compliance. If the agency fails to demonstrate compliance, the Board may seek the withholding of the responsible agency official’s pay until the agency demonstrates compliance. ..."
Postmaster general says USPS could cut its workforce
Postmaster general says USPS could cut its workforce
"...The proposal also calls for cutting tens of thousands of jobs through attrition and layoffs. The Postal Service stands to lose about $238 billion in the next 10 years if Congress fails to act, Potter said. ..."
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Huntsville Union Meeting April 16, 2010
Huntsville Union Meeting
The Huntsville P&DF is hosting their union meeting at 11AM, April 16, 2010, at the regular location. State President, Jessie Leonard, will be in attendance, as well as Local Branch President, Alex Dockery. Please join in this informational session.
Special Retirement Supplement
Special Retirement Supplement
"...The Special Retirement Supplement will be added automatically to your annuity. The SRS will be applied to the first full month in which..."
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Postal Service Early Out Voluntary Retirement (VER) 2010
The Postal Reporter News Blog has reported that another voluntary early retirement offer is on the way for selected employees in selected areas. The alleged offer includes mail handlers. We have been unable to confirm the validity of the offer and the Postal Reporter News Blog seems to have the exclusive insider information on this offer. Please note that the same blog had reported this earlier and then retracted it. If you would like to follow the latest news and rumors relating to the alleged 2010 USPS early retirement offer go to the FederalSoup Forum. The cited forum post follows the entire time-line of Postal VER offers all the way back to the original June 2008 announcement of the first postal voluntary retirement offers through the current alleged offer.
The Postal Reporter News Blog has reported that another voluntary early retirement offer is on the way for selected employees in selected areas. The alleged offer includes mail handlers. We have been unable to confirm the validity of the offer and the Postal Reporter News Blog seems to have the exclusive insider information on this offer. Please note that the same blog had reported this earlier and then retracted it. If you would like to follow the latest news and rumors relating to the alleged 2010 USPS early retirement offer go to the FederalSoup Forum. The cited forum post follows the entire time-line of Postal VER offers all the way back to the original June 2008 announcement of the first postal voluntary retirement offers through the current alleged offer.
AFL-CIO President Stresses Important of Labor Movement
AFL-CIO President Stresses Important of Labor Movement
"...Our republic must once again offer working people something other than the dead end choice [of] the failed agenda of greed and hatred...."
FEHB Program Expected to Cover Dependents Until Age 26
FEHB Program Expected to Cover Dependents Until Age 26
"...The effective date of this provision is the first day of the plan year that is six months following enactment of the law. For the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, that means January 1, 2011. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is expected to take the necessary actions to comply with the new law by this effective date. OPM will be providing additional information on its website in the near future about this and other changes to FEHBP plans for the 2011 plan year that will occur based on passage of the PPACA, so that mail handlers and other postal and federal employees and retirees will have the necessary information in time for the Open Season, which begins in November 2010...."
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Another Early Retirement Offer?
Another Early Retirement Offer?
"...Many employees say it will take the $25,000 VSIP to get them to even consider retiring and many complain that the past 'early out' offers are made without enough prior announcement to permit employees to prepare for such a huge, life-altering decision. Employees would like to see the USPS..."
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Labor group praises Obama for appointing Becker, Pearce
Labor group praises Obama for appointing Becker, Pearce
"...Becker has been a staunch supporter of the White House and its previous push for the Employee Free Choice Act, better known as card-check legislation..."
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Another proposed overhaul for the USPS
Another proposed overhaul for the USPS
"...and reorganize the workforce as more than 300,000 employees retire in the coming decade...."
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
NPMHU Arthur S. Vallone Scholarship Application Now Available
NPMHU Arthur S. Vallone Scholarship Application Now Available
National Postal Mail Handlers Union is pleased to offer the opportunity for regular craft members of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union, and members of their immediate families, to apply for scholarship assistance from the NPMHU Arthur S. Vallone National Scholarship Program. Specific eligibility requirements for the program are detailed below.
This scholarship program has been providing assistance to deserving recipients since 2001. In February 2005, the program was renamed in honor of Arthur S. Vallone. Arthur had served the NPMHU with distinction for over twenty-five years at his untimely passing in January 2005. Arthur was a true believer in the Union Movement, and a tireless advocate for Mail Handlers and all working people. His list of accomplishments and contributions to the NPMHU is lengthy. The National Postal Mail Handlers Union is proud to honor the legacy that Brother Vallone has left behind.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
USPS Postmaster General Jack Potter Unveils Action Plan to Ensure USPS Future
USPS Postmaster General Jack Potter Unveils Action Plan to Ensure USPS Future
"...Workforce flexibility that allows the Postal Service to put the right people at the right place and at the right time...."
Monday, March 1, 2010
Postal Service expected to announce 'significant changes'
Postal Service expected to announce 'significant changes'
"...In an effort to offset some of the losses, Potter seeks more flexibility in the coming year to set delivery schedules, prices and labor costs. The changes could mean an end to Saturday deliveries, longer delivery times for letters and packages, higher postage-stamp prices that exceed the rate of inflation, and the potential for future layoffs. ..."
Local 301 Branch President Bob Charron Retires
Local 301 Branch President Bob Charron Retires
"...National and Local Union Officers gather to celebrate the retirement of long-time Local 301 Branch President Bob Charron...."
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Visit the 'Alabama District Postmarks Online'
", announcements, and information that might be helpful to Alabama USPS employees. This blog will also be an extension of our quarterly newsletter, where articles and pictures that can't fit into the limited space of a print publication can be shared. This is not an official blog of the US Postal Service...."
Monday, February 22, 2010
Business Mail Acceptance (BMA) and Plant-Verified Drop Shipment (PVDS) training
"...That’s the key focus of recent Business Mail Acceptance (BMA) and Plant-Verified Drop Shipment (PVDS) training for more than 13,000 employees (Link, 2/19). And it’s the same message on two new USPS posters — one for employees and one for customers..."
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Alleged Al. shooter linked to mail bomb attempt
"...the University of Alabama professor accused of shooting three colleagues and an attempted mail bombing of a Harvard professor. Officials said Amy Bishop..."
Monday, February 8, 2010
United Parcel Service Inc. (UPS) plans to furlough at least 300 pilots
United Parcel Service Inc. (UPS) plans to furlough at least 300 pilots
"...UPS, which employs about 2,800 pilots, said Monday it is working with the pilots union, the Independent Pilots Association, to find solutions to avert or mitigate the layoffs before they take effect...."
RELATED REFERENCE: UPS, PILOTS REACH AGREEMENT TO AVOID FURLOUGHS, LOUISVILLE, Independent Pilots Association, June 8, 2009, "...Using a variety of voluntary steps, the IPA to date has identified savings totaling approximately $90 million dollars, pending final calculations. Although the full three year goal was not reached by last week’s original June 2 deadline, UPS and the union have agreed there will be no furloughs through April 1, 2010, and that the IPA will have another opportunity later this year to produce additional savings. Voluntary pilot savings generated later this year could eliminate the proposed layoffs entirely...."
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
National Postal Mail Handlers Union Voted to Contribute $10,000.00 to the Haiti Relief Effort
National Postal Mail Handlers Union Voted to Contribute $10,000.00 to the Haiti Relief Effort
"...At its most recent meeting, the National Executive Board of the NPMHU voted to contribute $10,000.00 to the Red Cross specifically for the Haiti relief effort. In a memo to the field, National President John Hegarty, and National Secretary-Treasurer Mark Gardner are asking all mail handlers to assist with the much-needed relief effort in Haiti...."
Monday, January 25, 2010
Unions Worry Corporations Will Overrun Campaigns Following Court Ruling
Unions Worry Corporations Will Overrun Campaigns Following Court Ruling
"..."The four largest Wall Street banks, if they expended one-tenth of 1 percent of their resources in a political campaign, that would eclipse every single penny of union revenue for every union in the country," said Leo Gerard, president of United Steelworkers International. ..."
Do we need unions? What has the union done for me?
Do we need unions? What has the union done for me?
"...The oft asked questions of non-union members, as well as disgruntled union members, are Do we need unions? What has the union done for me?. For the educated and well-read members of American society, the questions are easily answered. For example, anyone that has ventured to ponder those questions and educate themselves, may have read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair..."
Sunday, January 24, 2010
National Postal Mail Handlers Union
National Postal Mail Handlers Union
"...The NPMHU is a national organization of employees dedicated to advancing the interests of its members and their families. The primary purpose of the Union is to negotiate and enforce a National Agreement with the U.S. Postal Service, a contract that establishes wages, cost-of-living adjustments and other pay increases, working conditions, and fringe benefits for all workers within its jurisdiction. The Union also protects workers’ rights by representing them in day-to-day problems on the job, like discipline, violations of seniority, discrimination, or other management abuse, and addresses such work-place concerns as safety, health, and the impact of technological change...."
see also: NPMHU 317
Monday, January 18, 2010
FEHB and the Unfair Tax
"...the National Postal Mail Handlers Union and other postal/federal organizations sent a letter to Senate and House Democratic leaders, committee chairmen involved in health care, and members of the National Capital Area delegation.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
FBI Investigating White Powder Sent To Alabama Gov't Offices
FBI Investigating White Powder Sent To Alabama Gov't Offices
"...Birmingham, Alabama, United States (AHN) - Nine letters containing suspicious white substance has been mailed to government offices in Alabama, causing one office to be evacuated and a U.S. congressman to be quarantined.
Read more:
Friday, January 8, 2010
Ex Huntsville Mail Handler Steve Hood Makes the Paper
Mailman covers route on foot in spite of frigid temperatures
"...U.S. postal worker Steve Hood doesn’t let the cold deter him from his appointed rounds of delivering the mail on Canal Street Northeast on Tuesday...."
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