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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Not Good Enough; Not Ratified! | NALC Membership Overwhelmingly Rejects Tentative Agreement

  NALC Membership rejects tentative collective bargaining agreement

"Membership rejects tentative collective bargaining agreement

The active membership of the National Association of Letter Carriers has voted to reject the ratification of the tentative 2023-2026 National Agreement with the United States Postal Service. The vote to ratify was 63,680 to reject the agreement versus 26,304 to accept it, as reported by NALC’s Ballot Committee...

“In a democratic vote, the will of NALC’s membership has been made clear - the tentative agreement that represented the best offer the Postal Service put on the table is not good enough for America’s city letter carriers. We have earned more and we deserve more. ..."



Saturday, January 18, 2025

MEDICARE | What happens if a PSHB employee covered by EGWP signs up for Medicare Part D?

  What happens if a PSHB employee covered by EGWP signs up for Medicare Part D?

"...If a PSHB employee covered by an Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) signs up for a separate Medicare Part D plan, they are essentially double-paying for prescription drug coverage, as their EGWP through PSHB already provides that coverage; they should..."

Reference: Federal Retirement News


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Mail Handler Update [January 2025] Featuring the 'ONE-TIME RETIREMENT INCENTIVE OFFER 2025'

  Mail Handler Update [January 2025] Featuring the 'ONE-TIME RETIREMENT INCENTIVE OFFER 2025'

Mail Handler Update [January 2025] Featuring the 'ONE-TIME RETIREMENT INCENTIVE OFFER 2025'
"ONE-TIME RETIREMENT INCENTIVE OF $15,000.00 FOR OPTIONAL RETIREMENT OR RETIREMENT PURSUANT TO VOLUNTARY EARLY RETIREMENT (VER)...Eligible employees will be sent a hard-copy notification to their home address on record via First-Class Mail on or around January 31, 2025. ...Full Article"



Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Birmingham postal worker convicted of supplying stolen checks to sell online

  Birmingham postal worker convicted of supplying stolen checks to sell online

"Michael Christopher Rowser, a 24-year-old former U.S. Postal Service employee, was convicted of conspiracy to receive bribes and conspiracy to commit wire fraud...The evidence showed Rowser, a mail handler at the U.S. Postal Service’s Processing & Distribution Center in Birmingham, received approximately $106,000 in bribe payments over the course of a year for his role supplying checks to “The Lucky Shop.”..."



Monday, January 13, 2025

NPMHU/USPS | One Time Retirement Incentive

  NPMHU/USPS | One Time Retirement Incentive

NPMHU/USPS | One Time Retirement Incentive
RE: One Time Retirement Incentive (pdf)

The NPMHU and the USPS have reached an agreement on the terms of a One Time Retirement Incentive. The parties have agreed that the Postal Service will make lump sum incentive payments totaling $15,000 (less applicable taxes and deductions) to eligible full-time career employees who choose optimal retirement or retire pursuant to a Voluntary Early Retirement (VER). Part-time career employees shall be eligible for a prorated amount based on their paid hours. Attached is the January 13, 2025, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which sets forth the terms of this agreement.

    To be eligible to retire under a Voluntary Early Retirement (VER), there are minimum age and service requirements. The requirements are:
  • At least age 50 with at least 20 years of creditable Federal service OR
  • Any age with at least 25 years creditable Federal service.
  • An employee must have at least 5 years of creditable civilian service to be eligible for an early voluntary retirement.

More detailed information will be widely circulated to all eligible mail handlers, directly from the Postal Service, during the coming weeks.
Although we are pleased to provide this opportunity to the membership, please be advised that the NPMHU neither encourages nor discourages anyone from taking this opportunity. Retirement is a very important and personal decision, and mail handlers should proceed very cautiously to evaluate what this offer means to them personally.

Reference: NPMHU via NPMHU 317 NOTE: APWU/USPS is Offering the Same


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Is Medicare Part D better for postal a retiree than PSHB Part D Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP)?

  Is Medicare Part D better for postal a retiree than PSHB Part D Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP)?

"...For many retirees, Medicare Part D can be considered better than a PSHB Part D EGWP because it..."



Military Veterans | Some vets get 12 extra months of college benefits under new VA rules

  Military Veterans | Some vets get 12 extra months of college benefits under new VA rules

"...The announcement, made by VA Secretary Denis McDonough during remarks at the Student Veterans of America national convention in Colorado...To qualify, veterans must have ..."

Reference: Military Veteran News


PSHB Part D Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) is Confusing Postal Retirees | Part D or EGWP?

  PSHB Part D Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) is Confusing Postal Retirees | Part D or EGWP?

"..."PSHB Part D EGWP" refers to the "Employer Group Waiver Plan" for Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage that is ..."

Reference: Federal NewsGroup


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Bill to repeal windfall elimination provision clears a key Senate hurdle

  Bill to repeal windfall elimination provision clears a key Senate hurdle

"...The Senate voted 73-27 to invoke cloture on the Social Security Fairness Act, clearing the way for a final vote to pass the bill later this week. ..."



USPS warns about package tracking 'smishing' text messages: Here's what to know

  USPS warns about package tracking 'smishing' text messages: Here's what to know

"Customers must request package tracking text messages from the United States Postal Service. The USPS does not send messages without a request first. of the most popular scams is "smishing," which, in the case of holiday mail, appears as fraudulent text messages indicating package tracking. Undisclosed texts with questionable tracking information and clickable links should be avoided in order to prevent scammers from gaining personal information. Never heard of smishing? Here's what to know about the fraudulent act..."



Alabama | Madison Police investigating after mail carrier robbed at gunpoint

  Madison Police investigating after mail carrier robbed at gunpoint

"...MADISON, Ala. (WAFF) - An investigation is underway in Madison after a mail carrier was robbed at gunpoint on Sunday. Madison Police officials say a mail carrier was robbed at gunpoint in the Hill Chase subdivision Sunday around 4:30 p.m. ..."



Monday, December 2, 2024

Open Season under the new Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program

  Open Season under the new Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program

Open Season for health benefits is here!

It runs Nov. 11 through Dec. 9, and it marks the first Open Season under the new Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program.

What You Need to Know:

Automatic Enrollment: If your current health plan is transitioning to PSHB, you’ll be automatically enrolled in the same plan for 2025. No action needed unless you wish to switch. Make Changes: If your plan is not participating in PSHB, you must choose a new plan during this Open Season, or you’ll be automatically enrolled in a basic nationwide option.

Below are recent materials sent from OPM. Use them to help you set up your account and navigate the enrollment site. More information will be provided here as it becomes available.

Experiencing issues with Try Form 2809! Postal Service Health Benefits program enrollment can be facilitated by completing form SF2809, Health Benefits Election Form, accessible on the OPM website and If more assistance is needed, click here.




Letter carriers are encouraging coworkers to vote 'NO' on new USPS contract offer to union, arguing it's still not a fair deal

  Letter carriers are encouraging coworkers to vote 'NO' on new USPS contract offer to union, arguing it's still not a fair deal

"...TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Sunday, a group of United States postal service employees gathered to protest their displeasure with USPS' latest contract offer to the National Association of Letter Carriers union. ...postal workers said they don't approve of the tentative labor agreement as it stands. They argue the terms don't reflect a significant increase in pay, better working conditions, and more favorable hours. ...“Those wages are just not good enough to attract people to do what is a very physically demanding and stressful job,” Owen said. “Brand new people at the post office, they don’t get the same benefits as regular carriers," Willits said. "They don’t get very good pay. They get terrible hours." The agreement would let some workers clock out after working 11.5 hours a day or 60 hours in a week"



An employee group is miffed by the new Postal Service insurance program’s Medicare Part D coverage

  An employee group is miffed by the new Postal Service insurance program’s Medicare Part D coverage

"...OPM said that they were restricted in how they provide prescription drug benefits to Medicare-eligible enrollees in the new Postal Service Health Benefits Program, but at least one employee association disagrees. ...The first Open Season in which postal workers can elect their coverage for next year runs from Nov. 11 to Dec. 9.

In a last-minute tweak to regulations governing the program and its implementation this fall, the Office of Personnel Management published a final rule in the Federal Register last week clarifying provisions governing reconsideration of eligibility decisions, the law’s Medicare Part B enrollment requirement and integrating the Medicare Part D prescription drug program into PSHBP.

That last provision is the source of this week’s controversy. OPM’s rule states that, unlike in FEHBP, Congress intentionally funneled Medicare-eligible postal workers and retirees into insurance coverage that includes a Medicare Part D employer group waiver plan, or EGWP


“While the PSHB is included under the FEHB Program umbrella, PSHB is subject to distinct statutory requirements, including those governing the requirement to offer a PDP EGWP and to integrate Medicare Part D benefits,” OPM wrote. “When enacting the PSRA, Congress was addressing specific policy goals, including increasing enrollment in Medicare by USPS annuitants and promoting long-term financial health for the PSHB program, which require certain variances from policies that are generally applicable in the FEHB program.”"



U.S. Postal Service audit reveals significant delays, operational issues in several Alabama cities

  U.S. Postal Service audit reveals significant delays, operational issues in several Alabama cities

"...An audit by the U.S. Postal Service has revealed significant mail delays and operational issues in the Alabama-Mississippi district, particularly in Center Point, Northport, and Tuscaloosa. The audit, completed in October, noted that none of the three branches used proper forms to record delayed mail. ..."



Alabama | 18-wheeler hauling chickens collides with mail carrier in Morgan Co

  18-wheeler hauling chickens collides with mail carrier in Morgan Co

"...Chief Ennis told WAFF that the mail carrier was flown to Huntsville Hospital, where she is in “serious condition.”

Officials said the truck driver is okay. Officials are currently working with Wayne Farms to gather all the chickens that fell out. ..."

Tags: Wayne Farms, Huntsville Hospital,


Amazon | ACCUTECK All-in-1 Series W-8250-50bs A-Pt 50 Digital Shipping Postal Scale with Ac Adapter

  ACCUTECK All-in-1 Series W-8250-50bs A-Pt 50 Digital Shipping Postal Scale with Ac Adapter

About this item:

Fold Up Mailer Holder-Stand upright to 90 degrees for rolling tubes and irregular packages.Use AC adapter, the scale will be always power on, Self-Calibration Technology: Does not require a 50lbs weight.

Capacity-up to 50lbs; Sensitivity-0.1oz(0-25lb);0.2oz(25-50lb); Reading Modes-Pounds/ounces, ounces, kilograms/grams, grams
Key Functions-Tare(Allow you to reset the display to 0.0); Hold (Especially for Weighing a over-sized item)
Self-Calibration Technology-Does not require a 50lbs weight. You can choose any known weight starting from 5 lbs for calibration purpose. Use AC adapter, the scale will be always power on

Reference: Amazon


Monday, November 25, 2024



ARTHUR S. VALLONEThe National Postal Mail Handlers Union is pleased to offer the opportunity for career craft members of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union, and members of their immediate families, to apply for scholarship assistance from the NPMHU Arthur S. Vallone National Scholarship Program. Specific eligibility requirements for the program are detailed below.

This scholarship program has been providing assistance to deserving recipients since 2001. In February 2005, the program was renamed in honor of Arthur S. Vallone. Arthur had served the NPMHU with distinction for over twenty-five years at his untimely passing in January 2005. Arthur was a true believer in the Union Movement, and a tireless advocate for Mail Handlers and all working people. His list of accomplishments and contributions to the NPMHU is lengthy. The National Postal Mail Handlers Union is proud to honor the legacy that Brother Vallone has left behind.

The purpose of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union Arthur S. Vallone Scholarship Program is to provide financial assistance to career Mail Handlers and/or their family members who are seeking to further their education beyond high school. The program will award a minimum of 15 scholarships (3 per Region) in the annual amount of at least $1,000, renewable for up to four (4) years or until the completion of the undergraduate degree, whichever occurs first (for a maximum of $4,000 per recipient over 4 years). Additional scholarships may be awarded, depending upon the number of applicants and the number of renewals each year.

Scholarship eligibility details and application instructions are now available. Applicants must submit complete applications and the related materials listed at the link below to the Scholarship Committee on or before March 15, 2025.


Download MS Word version

Reference: via NPMHU Local 317


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

NPMHU New Wage Charts Effective November 16, 2024

  NPMHU New Wage Charts Effective November 16, 2024

NPMHU New Wage Charts Effective November 16, 2024 Effective November 16, 2024 (PP 25-2024) - For career Mail Handlers, the basic annual salary for each grade and step of Table One and Table Two shall be increased by an amount equal to 1.3% of the basic annual salary for the grade and step in effect on September 20, 2022. This is the third of three scheduled general wage increases as outlined in the 2022 National Agreement. MHAs will receive a 2.3% general increase effective November 16, 2024 (PP25-2024).

Mail Handler Wage Chart -- Effective November 16, 2024 (Pay Period 25-2024) PDF

Reference: NPMHU via NPMHU Local 317


Saturday, November 16, 2024

Here’s a sneak peek at 2025 stamps

  Here’s a sneak peek at next year’s stamps

"...The Postal Service has announced many of the stamps it will release in 2025...“This year, we are continuing several of our popular series and commemorative anniversaries, while introducing some exciting new stamps. Additionally, several of our mail-use stamps, which are printed based on demand, will be updated this year. Stay tuned for more announcements in the coming months.” The Postal Service announced the stamps on Nov. 15. The designs are preliminary and may change. All of the releases will be Forever stamps, unless otherwise noted. Additional 2025 stamps will be announced later."



Healthcare | Huntsville Hospital System, UnitedHealthcare reach agreement

  Huntsville Hospital System, UnitedHealthcare reach agreement

"...After months of negotiations, Huntsville Hospital Health System and UnitedHealthcare have reached an agreement that maintains the in-network status for United subscribers who are patients in HH Health System hospitals.

“This new agreement enables patients to continue to have access to the HH Health care teams that they know and trust,” said Jeff Samz, CEO of the Huntsville Hospital Health System. “Our patients will always be our first priority.” The new agreement applies to Huntsville Hospital, Madison Hospital, Athens-Limestone Hospital, Decatur Morgan Hospital, DeKalb Medical Center in Fort Payne, Helen Keller Hospital in Florence, Highlands Medical Center in Scottsboro, Lincoln Health in Fayetteville, Tenn.; Marshall Medical Centers (North and South), and Red Bay Hospital. ..."



Genius Idea | Department of Government Efficiency Has Been Created by the Incoming Administration

  Department of Government Efficiency Seeking Super High-IQ Volunteers (80+ hours per week)

"...We are very grateful to the thousands of Americans who have expressed interest in helping us at DOGE. We don’t need more part-time idea generators. We need super high-IQ small-government revolutionaries willing to work 80+ hours per week on unglamorous cost-cutting. If that’s you, DM this account with your CV. Elon & Vivek will review the top 1% of applicants. ..."



Thousands of US postal workers accused of stealing mail in new report

  Thousands of US postal workers accused of stealing mail in new report

"Criminals are infiltrating the United States Postal Service. ...a newly published report from the USPS’s Office of the Inspector General. You have criminal organizations, gangs, that are actually recruiting people to get a job in the postal service so they can rob mail and drain bank accounts. That’s literally what’s happening ...Investigators say employees are bringing bags, backpacks, and big coats onto workroom floors inside mail processing facilities. Once inside, it’s a simple matter to make letters and packages disappear." ... “The simplest way to solve a problem is to deny it exists,” Albergo said. “So that’s part of it, they just don’t want to admit that the mail is unsafe right now.”



Canada Post Workers Strike Disrupts Mail Nationwide

  Canada Post Workers Strike Disrupts Mail Nationwide

"...55,000 Canada Post employees began a strike Friday, disrupting mail services across the country just ahead of the holiday season. The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) announced the action following a year of stalled negotiations over wages, safety, and its members being replaced by technology. The three-day work stoppage, which..."



Wednesday, November 6, 2024

TSP Watch | Dow futures surge 1,300 points, Russell 2000 futures jump 6% as Trump defeats Harris: Live updates

  Dow futures surge 1,300 points, Russell 2000 futures jump 6% as Trump defeats Harris: Live updates

"...Stocks were poised for a booming rally Wednesday as Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election. Futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average soared 1,346 points, or about 2.8%. S&P 500 futures gained 1.9%, and Nasdaq 100 futures climbed 1.3%. The last time the blue-chip Dow jumped more than 1,000 points in a single day was in November 2022..."



America Wins; The Republic Wins | Trump Wins the Popular Vote and Electoral College in Record Breaking Election Win

  Trump wins presidency for second time

"Former President Trump has won the presidency, securing a second term...made the call after declaring Trump the projected winner of Pennsylvania and Alaska, bringing him to exactly 270 electoral votes. ..."



Thursday, October 31, 2024

Why do some people get Medicare automatically?

  Why do some people get Medicare automatically?

"...When you apply for retirement or disability benefits from Social Security (or the Railroad Retirement Board), it also serves as your application for Medicare. Once you get approved for Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits, you’ll automatically get Part A coverage (without having to pay a premium for it) once you’re eligible for Medicare.

If you’re getting benefits from Social Security (or the Railroad Retirement Board) at least 4 months before you turn 65, you’ll automatically get Part A coverage. You’ll also be signed up for Part B (unless you live in Puerto Rico or outside the U.S.). Because you pay a monthly premium for Part B coverage, you can choose whether to keep it or not. ..."



Is your contact information up to date?

  Is your contact information up to date?

"USPS employees can make changes through LiteBlue ...Keep personal contact information current using a physical address — not a PO Box — and mobile telephone number. Go to the LiteBlue homepage and update your address if necessary.

Emergency contacts can be updated by logging on to LiteBlue, clicking on the “Apps” banner, then selecting “My Contact Information.” Follow the prompts to complete the submission. ..."



APWU | Upcoming Proposed Flexible Spending Account Changes

  Upcoming Proposed Flexible Spending Account Changes

"...the current administrator (FSAFEDs) and the Postal Service are notifying current FSA enrollees that their funds must be used by December 31st, 2024, or they will be forfeited. This is completely unacceptable. Employees who put money in their FSA expecting to roll over any remaining money should not lose out in this switch in administrators. ..."
