NPMHU Nationwide Organizing Campaign
Although the National Postal Mail Handlers Union enjoys a high rate of membership across the country, there remain some mail handler craft employees who are not yet members of the NPMHU. Since all mail handlers share in the rewards and benefits that are provided by the NPMHU -- through its work in collective bargaining, and through its efforts to represent craft workers in various other forums -- we’re sure you will agree that all Mail Handlers should do the right thing, and join the ranks of the NPMHU.
In an effort to unify our membership during these difficult and uncertain times, and to increase the collective strength of our great Union, the NPMHU Committee on the Future has initiated a nationwide organizing campaign. The theme of this campaign is “Join the Union, Join the Fight – Benefits, Protection, Membership!” There are some who take for granted the hard-fought salary and benefit package that Mail Handlers enjoy. Many of those individuals do not recognize and value the hard work that NPMHU representatives provide, day in and day out, to secure and maintain the postal careers that we have in place. It’s very important that we all work together to make the non-member hold-outs understand that they have their mail handler positions only because of the strength and commitment of the NPMHU – and that the time has come for them to join and support the National Postal Mail Handlers Union.
The National Office is has distributed to the Local Unions monthly updated reports that list the names of all non-members. We encourage all to review the online organizing materials during discussions with non-members.
So, urge all mail handlers to Join the Union, Join the Fight – Benefits, Protection, Membership!
NPMHU Nationwide Organizing Campaign (pdf)
New “Join The NPMHU” Webpage
Reference: NPMHU via NPMHU Local 317
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