"...Effective November 20, 2010 – the basic annual salary for each grade and step shall be increased by an amount equal to 1.2% of the basic annual salary for the grade and step in effect on September 2, 2006.
For purposes of applying the November 24, 2007, February 16, 2008, November 22, 2008, November 21, 2009 and November 20, 2010 salary increases, the basic annual salary for Steps AA and P in effect on September 2, 2006, shall be assumed to be as follows: Grade 4, Step AA — $27,830: Grade 4, Step P — $46,296: Grade 5, Step AA — $29,295: Grade 5, Step P — $47,268...." Reference: 2006-2011 Mail Handler National Contract
Note: Italicizing and bold print added for emphasis by this website.
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