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Thursday, August 15, 2024

NPMHU Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) set at $978

  Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) set at $978

Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) set at $978

Effective September 7, 2024 (Pay Period 20-2024), all career Mail Handler craft employees are scheduled to receive a cost-of-living (COLA) adjustment as outlined in Article 9.3 of the 2022 National Agreement. This is the fourth of six possible COLA increases under the terms of the current agreement. This COLA increase is based on the upward change in the relevant Consumer Price Index (CPI) following release of the July 2024 Index, using the July 2022 CPI index as a base. The resulting calculation provides an annual increase of $978 for all Steps in Table 1 and for Step P of Table 2. The remaining Steps in Table 2 will receive the proportional COLA increase percentages as outlined in Article 9.3 of the National Agreement.

Wage Charts coming soon

Reference: NPMHU via NPMHU Local 317 - Alabama


USPS Warns Indiana Residents of Alarming New Scam Wipes Out Bank Accounts

  USPS Warns Indiana Residents of Alarming New Scam Wipes Out Bank Accounts

"...With the help of AI and other technological advances, criminals are constantly adapting their ways to scam people out of their money and personal information. According to the United States Postal Inspection Service, customers in Indiana and the U.S. are falling victim to fraud through 'smishing' text messages with an alleged delivery notification and tracking link like..."


Round and round | USPS to release upbeat, punchy Pinback Buttons stamps

  Round and round | USPS to release upbeat, punchy Pinback Buttons stamps

Pinback Buttons stamps
The Postal Service will release its Pinback Buttons stamps on Thursday, Aug. 15.

The round Forever stamps are designed to resemble the sort of pins that convey a political leaning, tell a joke, champion a social or environmental cause or simply serve as a souvenir.

The stamps’ circular shape, as well as the shadowing and reflection techniques used in the design, give the appearance of three-dimensional pinback buttons.

The 10 stamps feature work by various artists, each with a single, upbeat word as the central design element: “Smile” (Don Clark), “Hello!” (Tré Seals), “Peace” (Jay Fletcher), “Love” (Juan Carlos Pagan), “Fun” (Gia Graham), “Sweet” (Jeff Rogers), “Yes!” (Ryan Feerer), “Cheers!” (Lisa Congdon), “Kudos!” (DKNG Studios) and “Happy” (Gina Triplett).

Greg Breeding, an art director for USPS, designed the stamps.

The back of the stamp pane features an illustration of a round silver button back with pin fastener repeated 20 times, one for each button shown on the front of the pane, further emphasizing the theme.

The stamps are available in panes of 20 and are available at Post Offices and Several Pinback Buttons-themed products, including an informative stamp portfolio, are also available on the website.

The stamps will be dedicated at the Great American Stamp Show in Hartford, CT.

Reference: USPS via NPMHU Local 317