A sales lead from a mail handler in Maine has resulted in a shipping deal worth more than $1.35 million for the Postal Service.
Steven Burstein, who works at the Eastern Maine Processing and Distribution Center in Hampden, likes to pay attention to what companies are shipping.
While on the dock recently, he noticed that one business customer’s mailing volume was down, so he submitted a lead.
Debra Reese, a territory sales representative, followed up with the customer and closed a shipping deal for $1,357,611 new estimated annualized revenue for the Postal Service.
“Attention to detail is key,” said Burstein. “Being able to see who is see who is sending what daily helps generate patterns — and that means dollars.”
Sales generated from employee leads are included in the USPS Delivering for Main Street campaign to raise revenue through sales leads.
The Postal Service is encouraging as many employees as possible to submit at least one lead by Sept. 30 through LEADing Together, a new program that makes it easier to pass along sales tips.
The LEADing Together portal combines the Postal Service’s six employee lead generation programs into one.
Postal employees with ACE IDs can submit leads through the new Employee Lead Entry site on Blue by selecting the “LEADing Together” link under “Featured Topics.”
Employees who do not have an ACE ID can access the site through LiteBlue by clicking on the LEADing Together link under the “USPS employee resources” tab.
Employees with USPS-issued mobile devices can use the LEADing Together app.
Customer 360 users can click on “LEADing Together” to access the site on that platform. Letter carriers who use a mobile delivery device, or MDD, can enter leads while in street mode, under option “U.”
The Small Business and Lead Generation Programs Blue page has more information about how employees can submit a lead.
Boston’s Democrat Mayor Wu Criticized for Offering Condolences to Family of
Attacker Killed by Cop
Article Title: Boston’s Democrat Mayor Wu Criticized for Offering
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