" NALC and the Postal Service formally opened negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement. ...Too often, we still struggle with the lack of management’s contract compliance at the local level. This leads to complications on the workroom floor, which affect morale and productivity, while needlessly costing the Postal Service money. And perhaps most importantly, crime against letter carriers is on the rise. These repeated attacks against our members are horrific, unacceptable and must be addressed through action. No letter carrier should fear for their life or safety ..."
Reference: www.nalc.org
Coast Guard Member's Spicy Response: Why WH Isn't Telling Truth About His
Vessel's Encounter With Drones
Article Title: Coast Guard Member's Spicy Response: Why WH Isn't Telling
Truth About His Vessel's Encounter With Drones Article Excerpt: "Coast
Guard membe...