Alabama politicians love to tout that Alabama is a right-to-work state when it comes to luring large corporations and businesses to the state. Even many workers are lured into a false impression that right-to-work laws are a good thing for workers, especially non-unionized workers. The term itself, right-to-work, gives a feeling of giving you the right to work. Yay! You can't stop me from working. The fact of the matter is, a careful study by Lonnie K. Stevans of Hofstra University says, "Findings are that the number of businesses and self-employed are greater on average in right-to-work states, but employment, wages, and per-capita personal income are all lower on average in right-to-work states."
Coast Guard Member's Spicy Response: Why WH Isn't Telling Truth About His
Vessel's Encounter With Drones
Article Title: Coast Guard Member's Spicy Response: Why WH Isn't Telling
Truth About His Vessel's Encounter With Drones Article Excerpt: "Coast
Guard membe...