"...Potential vendors are set to descend on Washington, D.C. to meet with the postal service’s leadership and bang out the details, where bids will also be put in. The winning bidders will be chosen this summer, and the contract will ultimately be awarded in 2017 after a year of testing. Automotive News says that the contract will be huge — encompassing more than 180,000 vehicles that would cost between $25,000 and $35,000 per vehicle, ultimately making the contract worth as much as $6.3 billion. ..."
Reference: wallstcheatsheet.com
AG Bondi says infamous Jeffrey Epstein client list is ‘sitting on my desk
right now’
Article Title: AG Bondi says infamous Jeffrey Epstein client list is
‘sitting on my desk right now’ Snippet of Article: "...Bondi herself
advocated for the...