"...We are writing to inform you of a recent national arbitration decision issued by Arbitrator Dennis Nolan in a grievance brought by the National Association of Letter Carriers, which concerned the Postal employees who did not receive their paychecks as a result of the breach of the Postal Service’s PostalEase system. The NPMHU also filed a grievance on this issue, and the NPMHU (along with the APWU) intervened in the NALC grievance. By way of background, on December 20, 2022, the Union received notification from the Postal Service that some Postal Service employees had unknowingly provided their usernames and passwords to criminal websites while attempting to access PostalEase. We were told that employees had been using Google to access PostalEase and that Google in turn was redirecting them to third party criminally run websites that mirrored the look and access of PostalEase. ..."
Reference: www.npmhu.org
AG Bondi says infamous Jeffrey Epstein client list is ‘sitting on my desk
right now’
Article Title: AG Bondi says infamous Jeffrey Epstein client list is
‘sitting on my desk right now’ Snippet of Article: "...Bondi herself
advocated for the...