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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

USPS Releases Initial Fact Sheets about the Postal Service Health Benefits Program

  USPS Releases Initial Fact Sheets about the Postal Service Health Benefits Program

USPS and OPM, in consultation with the four Postal Unions, have developed Fact Sheets to provide basic information regarding the Postal Service Health Benefits Program (PSHBP) that will begin January 1, 2025. There are two Fact Sheets, one for USPS Active Employees and one for USPS Annuitants. These Fact Sheets are also available on LiteBlue and The Fact Sheets are an introduction to further education programs from USPS commencing in Fall 2023. NPMHU will continue to be a partner in helping our members understand the choices, requirements and actions needed to participate in PSHBP, as we prepare for the program to begin in 2025.

Fact Sheet - PSHB Employee (pdf)

Fact Sheet - PSHB Annuitant (pdf)
