"...In 1973 the USPS issued ten special stamps to highlight "Postal Week". These were "designed to emphasize to the American people the important duties performed by the men and women" who are employed by the USPS. Originally issued attached, each of the ten stamps depicts one of the many jobs performed by postal workers and contains a message written by the Post Office. Included are: Window Clerk, Mail Pickup, Conveyor Belt, Sorting Parcels, Mail Canceling, Manual Sorting, Machine Sorting, Mail Handler Loading Truck, Letter Carrier, Rural Delivery. ..." Reference: www.amazon.com
AG Bondi says infamous Jeffrey Epstein client list is ‘sitting on my desk
right now’
Article Title: AG Bondi says infamous Jeffrey Epstein client list is
‘sitting on my desk right now’ Snippet of Article: "...Bondi herself
advocated for the...