May 8, 2021- As provided for in Article 8.7 of the NPMHU 2019 National Agreement, effective May 8, 2021, the flat dollar amount at each pay grade and step for night shift differential in Tables Three and Four shall be increased by an amount equal to 2% of the flat dollar amount for the grade and step in effect on May 9, 2020. The increase is applicable for time worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Career employees shall be paid additional compensation at the applicable flat dollar amount at each pay grade and step in accordance with Tables Three and Four. This is the second of three Night Shift Differential increases negotiated in the 2019 National Agreement.
AG Bondi says infamous Jeffrey Epstein client list is ‘sitting on my desk
right now’
Article Title: AG Bondi says infamous Jeffrey Epstein client list is
‘sitting on my desk right now’ Snippet of Article: "...Bondi herself
advocated for the...