In accordance with Article 9.7 of the 2016 National Agreement between the NPMHU and the Postal Service, all Mail Handler Assistants will receive an hourly wage increase of $0.20 per hour effective on Saturday, May 26, 2018. This increase is in addition to the general wage increase of 2.3% that will be effective in approximately six months, on November 24, 2018. There also will be another increase of $0.21 per hour effective in May 2019.
The 20 cent per hour increase raises the Level 4 MHA hourly rate to $15.66 and the Level 5 MHA hourly rate to $16.50, which is an increase of approximately 1.3% and 1.2% respectively. These additional increases were included in the 2016 National Agreement to help close the current gap between MHAs and career employees and to reduce attrition among MHAs.
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