Over the course of the past six months, the National Contract Administration Department, along with our National Shop Steward Trainer, has been working diligently with the Postal Service to flesh-out and resolve many of the issues that arose as a result of the Fishgold Award. As a result, we are pleased to provide the jointly developed Questions and Answers document, which was finalized on August 7, 2013. To assist the parties with implementation of the 2011 Fishgold Arbitration Award, the Q&A memorializes our mutual understanding of the 44 most prevalent issues that could be agreed upon.
Reference: www.npmhu.org
AG Bondi says infamous Jeffrey Epstein client list is ‘sitting on my desk
right now’
Article Title: AG Bondi says infamous Jeffrey Epstein client list is
‘sitting on my desk right now’ Snippet of Article: "...Bondi herself
advocated for the...