The November 2009 Mail Handler Wage Increase Pay Scale can be found by
clicking the image below. This is the fifth of six general wage increases to be paid to all mail handlers under the 2006 National Agreement and will be implemented effective November 21, 2009. The increase will be reflected in paychecks on
December 11, 2009. Please also note that, as required by
Article XIV, Section 3 of the National Constitution and Article VIII, Section 2 of the Uniform Local Union Constitution, mail handlers will see an automatic membership dues increase of fifty cents ($.50) per pay period, effective with this November 2009 negotiated wage increase. Of this amount, forty cents ($.40) per pay period will be sent to the Local Union, and ten cents ($.10) per pay period will be retained by the National Office in the form of increased per capita tax.
Reference: NPMHU 317