Trump: Liberal Billionaires Funding Tesla Attacks (Domestic Terrorism
Article Title: Trump: Liberal Billionaires Funding Tesla Attacks Snippet of
Article: "...President Donald Trump told Newsmax's Greg Kelly during an
Friday, January 30, 2009
Obama Moves to Reverse Bush’s Labor Policies
Obama Moves to Reverse Bush’s Labor Policies
"... Future monthly meetings will be held across the country to discuss the mundane but essential concerns of working people like child care, workplace safety and retirement security, the vice president said. The administration has set up a Web site,, that Mr. Biden said would tell people what their government was doing and invite them to share their thoughts...."
Article Reference Source:
Union, Postal Service differ on cutting job hours
Union, Postal Service differ on cutting job hours
"...If the U.S. Postal Service cuts workers' hours, customer service will suffer and the mail will be delayed, says the president of a national postal workers union...."
Experts See Dim Future for U.S. Postal Service
Experts See Dim Future for U.S. Postal Service
"... this raises serious public policy implications. In rural America, the post office is the face of the American government. Closing post offices brings out very parochial concerns. It's an area where they could save money, but it's an area that will receive a lot of political attention."..."
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Postal Hearing of Jan. 28, 2009
The following links relate to today's Hearing and the future of the Postal Service. You must read carefully and completely to understand the dynamics of the situation in full.
"...Contracts with the two unions that alone represent almost 75 percent of our 652,000 career employees – the American Postal Workers Union and the National Association of Letter Carriers – do not expire until late 2010 and late 2011. We cannot wait until then to address what are pressing needs today. So I am proposing to union leadership that we begin talks now to create needed levels of workforce flexibility. ..."
Article Reference Source:
Key Points Made By Witnesses before the
Senate Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services and International Security "... Senator Susan Collins:
* Enactment of PAEA was an arduous process.
* We need to continue the nation's universal postal services. Mail is still a key part of the nation's economic infrastructure.
* The current recession has placed the Postal Service back on the congressional agenda.
* The question has been raised as to whether the Postal Service is trying to use this crisis as a way of pulling away from PAEA.
* The PAEA retiree payments were a key part of the negotiating to make PAEA possible.
* A rwo-year reprieve is doable. Beyond two years make take too much pressure off the USPS to respond to its other challenges.
* GAO has been disappointed with the USPS' responses. GAO expressed frustration with the USPS' lack of transparency.
* Very disappointed that the proposed solution is the elimination of the six-day a week delivery requirement. Service cutbacks also can impact mail volume adversely.
* Already received many complaints from publishers in Maine. Service has been compromised.
* I don't know how you can ask for relief while proposing cutbacks in service that could precipitate further losses.
* I'm very concerned about the lack of the Postal Service's financial transparency. You're coming to Congress for relief with the needed transparency. This is unacceptable.
Article Reference Source:
Video: Title: The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the U.S. Postal Service
"... U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security ..."
Article Reference Source:
Area offices to reduce staffing levels
"... With this action, complement at Area Offices has been reduced – some vacant positions have been eliminated, while other occupied positions are impacted. Starting this week, employees occupying impacted positions will be notified and given information and guidance...."
Article Reference Source:
"...Contracts with the two unions that alone represent almost 75 percent of our 652,000 career employees – the American Postal Workers Union and the National Association of Letter Carriers – do not expire until late 2010 and late 2011. We cannot wait until then to address what are pressing needs today. So I am proposing to union leadership that we begin talks now to create needed levels of workforce flexibility. ..."
Article Reference Source:
Senate Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services and International Security "... Senator Susan Collins:
* Enactment of PAEA was an arduous process.
* We need to continue the nation's universal postal services. Mail is still a key part of the nation's economic infrastructure.
* The current recession has placed the Postal Service back on the congressional agenda.
* The question has been raised as to whether the Postal Service is trying to use this crisis as a way of pulling away from PAEA.
* The PAEA retiree payments were a key part of the negotiating to make PAEA possible.
* A rwo-year reprieve is doable. Beyond two years make take too much pressure off the USPS to respond to its other challenges.
* GAO has been disappointed with the USPS' responses. GAO expressed frustration with the USPS' lack of transparency.
* Very disappointed that the proposed solution is the elimination of the six-day a week delivery requirement. Service cutbacks also can impact mail volume adversely.
* Already received many complaints from publishers in Maine. Service has been compromised.
* I don't know how you can ask for relief while proposing cutbacks in service that could precipitate further losses.
* I'm very concerned about the lack of the Postal Service's financial transparency. You're coming to Congress for relief with the needed transparency. This is unacceptable.
Article Reference Source:
"... U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security ..."
Article Reference Source:
"... With this action, complement at Area Offices has been reduced – some vacant positions have been eliminated, while other occupied positions are impacted. Starting this week, employees occupying impacted positions will be notified and given information and guidance...."
Article Reference Source:
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Postal Announcement, Big Meeting ...No, it's a Hearing on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on the U.S. Postal Service
Postal Announcement, Big Meeting ...No, it's a Hearing on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on the U.S. Postal Service
"...examine how changes in the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (PAEA) could improve Postal Service operations so it can better weather the current economic downturn. Talk around the coffee pot and on workroom floors across the nation are concentrated on scenarios taking place during the hearing that would additionally focus on five day delivery, the universal service obligation, workforce reductions that are more employee-friendly, consolidations, Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments, and an emergency rate increase...."
Reference: The Postal eDaily
Saturday, January 24, 2009
APWU to members
Significant Changes Expected; Sacrifices Must Be Shared, Burrus Says
"...when work-hour reductions are implemented, they should not be applied disproportionally to bargaining unit employees. Staffing is based on workload and responsibility, so if the number of employees must be reduced, reductions should be made across-the-board, including all craft employees, supervisors, postmasters, managers and contract employees...."
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
All post offices will be closed, and only express mail will be delivered
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends."
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends."
"We must learn to live together as brothers, or perish together as fools."
Read More on Martin Luther King Jr.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
COLA Update: December 2008 CPI-W (Released Jan. 2009)
Does the Mail Handler COLA figure in food and energy prices?
The Mail Handler COLA is calculated using the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers known as the CPI-W. The Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) is limited to the spending patterns of younger consumers. Many argue that this index measures only 1/3 of the U.S. population, excluding real spending by seniors. Currently the CPI-W "market basket" contains the following: rent, some medical costs, high tech consumer items such as computers, big screen televisions, cell phones, DVD players, food, gas and oil among other items.
Further Reading and Sources:
1) Bureau of Labor Statistics
2) Senior Citizens League
MTE Roundup
"...The program is intended to round up flat tubs, letter trays & sleeves, rolling stock (including hampers & cages), pallets, and mailbags that are not in use and return them to USPS inventory. ..."
Federal authorities release sketches of suspects in robbery at Fairfield post office
Saturday, January 17, 2009
"... Mail Transport Equipment (MTE) consists of containers that USPS uses to carry or hold mail during processing or transportation within or between facilities. It includes sacks, pouches, trays, wheeled containers, pallets, and other items ..."
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Announcement Update
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
More on alleged USPS announcement on Jan. 16, 2009
More on alleged USPS announcement on Jan. 16, 2009
"...The prospect of some grand announcement by the USPS on January 16 appears to be purely speculative at this point. A quick search of the web offers a plethora of commentary on the subject ...some of it makes for truly hilarious reading over at At the same time, the FederalSoup community continues a dialog on the subject of the highly anticipated announcement. Unfortunately there appears to be little information supported by referenced evidence. We will continue to listen to the scuttlebutt around the coffee pots across the nation to provide you with the latest ..."
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Notasulga, Alabama Post Office Cat Eviction
Cat evicted from Notasulga, Ala. post office
"...Alabama town rallies around cat evicted from U.S. Post Office for not paying taxes. ..."
USPS Meeting on January 16, 2009?
As many of you may have heard through the grapevine, there apparently is going to be a "big" announcement/meeting of the "powers that be". Who exactly that is, is unknown to this writer. If you want to follow or talk about this meeting, we have located several resources to keep up to date on the subject of the meeting. (1. FederalSoup 2. FederalSoup 3. Postal eDaily ). We will attempt to keep you informed as we learn more about this meeting.
Postal Service offers early retirement
Postal Service offers early retirement
"...Meanwhile, the Post Office is having a hard time finding employees who want to work in Bush Alaska. “We offer openings to our employee pool first, but there is not a whole lot of interest by workers to move to places like Barrow, so we have to advertise the jobs and are having a hard time finding replacements when they leave,” she said...."
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Winter warriors: Earning a living means braving the elements
"...Sherry Fabian, a Saratoga Springs Post Office supervisor, has done just about every job possible during her postal career. "For rural drivers, if people don’t clear out their mailbox it makes it really tough on us," she said. ..."
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
2009 VA Disability Compensation Rates
2009 VA Disability Compensation Rates
"...tables show the 2009 VA compensation rates for veterans with a disability rating 10 percent or higher. These rates are effective as of 1 December, 2008..."
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
USPS Data On Postal Employees Approved For VER
USPS Data On Postal Employees Approved For VER
"...VER Group 1 includes clerks, mail handlers and initial level supervisors of mail processing and customer service. The group has 72,000 eligible employees. The application deadline was Sept. 30. USPS has approved the applications of 3,685 employees, whose retirement date is Dec. 31, 2008...."
USPS Obama Inauguration Commemorative Souvenir
USPS Obama Inauguration Commemorative Souvenir
"...Pre-orders are now being accepted for this exclusive presidential inaugural commemorative souvenir at and will be shipped starting Jan. 20, 2009. Official sales of this exclusive product begin on Jan. 20, 2009 at select Post Offices,, and by calling 800-STAMP24...."
Obama Stimulus ...Instead of mailed checks
Tax cuts a big part of Obama's $775B plan
"...Under Obama's plan, the key tax provision would be $500-per-individual or $1,000-per-couple rebates for most taxpayers. Instead of mailed checks — the rebate method that the Bush administration used in a failed bid to spark the economy last year — the amount would be distributed by withholding less from paychecks over a period of months...."
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