Postal Unions Unite in Historic Agreement to Protect Americas Postal Service
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On March 10, 2014 an historic agreement was signed by the Postal Union Presidents representing the Mail Handlers, American Postal Workers, City Letter Carriers and Rural letter Carriers. The purpose of the agreement is to show our solidarity, and to protect the invaluable institution that is the United States Postal Service. We call upon our members, and the American Public to join with us in this important endeavor.
We stand for a public Postal Service, enhancement and expansion of service and protection of good union jobs in our communities. We stand with the people of our country in defense of their right to a universal postal service operated in the public interest.
We commit to work together to:
Maintain six-day and home delivery.
Protect and restore service standards and mail processing facilities.
Maintain full-time, full-service public post offices in every community.
Oppose the subcontracting of work and privatization of services.
Expand postal services to include basic banking, notary, check-cashing and other services.
End the corporate welfare of excessive pre-sort discounts.
Form a common front in the fight for genuine postal reform legislation.
Organize joint actions and speak in a united voice.
Unite with other labor unions in defense of the rights of postal workers and all workers.
Encourage joint efforts of our union members at the local level.
Support maximum cooperation in the next round of contract negotiations.
Build an alliance with the American people in defense of the public postal service.
link for more information.