Mail Handlers to Receive Wage Increase Effective March 8, 2014
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Effective on March 8, 2014, all career Mail Handler craft employees are scheduled to receive the first of seven possible cost of-living (COLA) adjustments as outlined in Article 9.3 of the 2011 National Agreement. This COLA increase is based on the upward change in the relevant Consumer Price Index (CPI) Base following release of the January 2013 Index. As prescribed in the Fishgold Arbitration Award, the implementation of this COLA increase was delayed by one year. This Consumer Price Index change resulted in an annual increase of $146 for all Steps in Table 1 and for Step P of Table 2. The remaining Steps in Table 2 have received the proportional COLA increase percentages as outlined in Article 9.7 of the 2011 National Agreement. Because of slight deflation in the U.S. economy and a corresponding decline in the CPI Index between July 2013 and January 2014 there was no COLA increase for that adjustment period.
Click here to download a chart which reflects the new wage rates for career Mail Handlers resulting from these COLA increases that are effective on March 8, 2014.
Click here to download a related correspondence and copy of the updated Mail Handler wage chart sent to each Local President on February 27, 2014.
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Reference: National Postal Mail Handlers Union